Sutton Valence Primary School,
North St, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3HT

01622 842188

Sutton Valence Primary School


Our mission is to ensure we all participate in the constant quest of knowledge, learning and adventure so that each individual can build upon their core strengths to aspire to make a real difference.

Earth Class


In September, our school was asked to take part in a promotional video for Wilder Kent Awards. Please take a look at the video!


Year 6

Posted: Sep 18, 2023 by: Tara (Tara) on: Forest Blog

First few weeks back and straight into projects of their choosing.

Amazingly intricate knife work and so safe: our first skulk of foxes – huge well done!

Others are working together to create a hazel arbor, using clove hitches and lashings to join rods together.

Amelia brought in a machine to show us, “It’s a rock tumbler: it smooths and cleans. It takes two days to fully polish.”

Alex: Today I started to whittle. I started to make a dome shape, which is a bevel cut.

Yasmine: I accidently cut the head off my fox. I felt disappointed and like giving up but then decided to turn it into a pencil. I sharpened it a bit and coloured it. I am pleased.

Ronne: We’ve been making an arbor. We gathered materials, measured and sawed the hazel. Once we figured out the order we started to lash the rods together.