Sutton Valence Primary School,
North St, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3HT

01622 842188

Sutton Valence Primary School


Our mission is to ensure we all participate in the constant quest of knowledge, learning and adventure so that each individual can build upon their core strengths to aspire to make a real difference.

Earth Class


In September, our school was asked to take part in a promotional video for Wilder Kent Awards. Please take a look at the video!


Year 6

Posted: Feb 12, 2023 by: Tara (Tara) on: Forest Blog

The most sustainable compost is homemade.

It helps the planet as waste is not sent to landfill where it will rot and release methane, a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide.

Shocking fact: about a third of all food produced is wasted.

When we waste food we also waste all the energy and water it takes to grow, harvest, transport and package it.

We have been learning how our hot box works to make compost.

Hot composting is an aerobic composting technique, which is actually the same process that works in a cold compost bin.

The compost is made by natural micro organisms in the garden waste breaking down the organic material, releasing heat, water, and carbon dioxide.

It is a natural process.

The difference between hot and cold composting is that the heat produced in this process is trapped inside the hot compost bin.

The heat accelerates the composting process, it helps the micro organisms break down the organic matter faster, and that is why the compost is ready much earlier than in cold composting.

Garden Gang collect the waste fruit and veg from the classes and mix it with strimmed paper from the office; mix and add a few handfuls of bulking agent (wood mulch) to allow space and oxygen.

Bacteria work inside the thick insulation system to break the mix down and the by product is heat.

In just over three months we have compost.

We also compost leaves and chicken waste.

The latter is high in phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium: rots down and in six months will be good for soft fruit.

With cheery signs that early spring is on its way we are busy repairing and preparing the outdoor areas as well as begin or continue with projects.  

Emily: We had to refix fences. We got hazel and used the axe to make a point at the end and a mallet to knock them in. We shortened the rods so they are shorter and more sturdy.

Jack: I used a sharpie to draw the green king, a bow saw to cut. We used a hammer and nails to connect the pieces.  I made a Kubb piece.

Riley:  I made a cross because my Great Nan died yesterday. I’m going to put it in my garden.

Kristian and Blake: I improved on my design from last time. We put a pattern on the knife.

Maggie, Millie and River: We improved the kitchen and the bridge and we made a wall to block that hole. We all contributed to different designs.

Henry: We’ve made this gate and you can just unhook it. We are going to improve this bit next week.

Josie: I enjoyed playing Viking Chess because it was fun and we were working as a team and encouraging each other.

Maria: When we got really close, even though we didn’t get it down, we were encouraging each other and cheering.