Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School

Contact Us


If you would information, want to report an absence or have a general enquiry about our school, please contact:

Miss Handy - School Secretary

Mrs Hawkins - Office Administrator

Address: North Street, Sutton Valence, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3HT
School Office: 01622 842188 (option 2)
Pupil Absence Line: 01622 842188 (option 1)
Email: office@sutton-valence.kent.sch.uk


Who to Speak to?

At Sutton Valence Primary School, we are always available to see parents if they have a problem or a concern or if they would like some advice. Members of staff are available daily at the end of each day on the playground/ drive after school, but if it is something specific or that requires detailed information, it is best to make an appointment.


First Stage - Who to speak to?

If the issue is related to your child’s learning, behaviour or any other classroom concerns please contact the class teacher in the first instance. They are the best person to speak to regarding these matters.

If the issue relates to lunches, payment or our wraparound etc., please contact the school office.

If it is a more general concern or you are not sure who to speak to, please speak to the class teacher or the office who will be able to direct you to the appropriate member of staff.

Second Stage – Who to speak to?

If, after speaking to the relevant member of staff, you still have concerns about your child’s education, wellbeing or about the way an issue was dealt with then please contact the office to arrange an appointment with the Deputy Headteacher or SENCo, Mrs Deane. You will be asked some detail of your concern so that your appointment is with the right person to resolve it.

Third Stage - Who to speak to?

Should you feel that the first and second stage have not addressed the concern then please make an appointment with the headteacher; again some detail of your concern will be asked for at the time of making your appointment.

Fourth Stage  

If you feel that your concern has not been resolved or you are dissatisfied with the way in which it was dealt with then please refer to our Complaints policy which can be find here: https://www.sutton-valence.kent.sch.uk/about-us/policies


It is important to us that you feel that you are listened to and that you feel comfortable raising concerns so that the correct member of staff can discuss this further with you and help solve any issues.

We do also welcome positive feedback, all of us appreciate hearing that we are doing a good job educating or supporting our pupils in school. That is why we are all here!


Contact the Headteacher

Mrs Latham-Parsons is the headteacher at Sutton Valence Primary School. Mrs Latham-Parsons is also the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). If you wish to contact Mrs Latham-Parsons , please contact the main school office and your message/enquiry will be forwarded to her.


Contact the SENCO

Mrs Deane is our school SENCO. If you wish to contact Mrs Deane you can call the main school office telephone number and select option 4, or email her at ddeane@sutton-valence.kent.sch.uk


Contact the School Governors

If you wish to contact the Governing Body at Sutton Valence Primary School please write to them c/o the school or email the clerk at clerk@sutton-valence.kent.sch.uk. A full list of our Governors can be found on the relevant page of our website.