Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School

Day To Day


There are 207 children on roll at present organised into single age, mixed gender classes. At the beginning of the school year each class choses their team name  and this is then the name that the class is referred to. Please see our class pages to find out which team names the classes chose this year,


Each class has a timetable which outlines when the pupils will learning each subject across the week. This is subject to change depending on P.E slots, Earth Class, computing slots etc. Please find below an example Key Stage One and Two timetable:




The School Day


Key Stage One (Year 1 & 2) Lower Key Stage Two (Year 3 & 4) Upper Key Stage Two (Year 5 & 6)
First Morning Session 8.55-10.15 8.55 - 10.30 8.55-10.45
Second Morning Session 10.30-12 10.45-12.15 11-12.15
Afternoon Session 1-3.15 1.15-3.15 1.15-3.15


Key Stage One have an additional 10 minute afternoon break.


Arrivals and Departures:

Children may arrive at school from 8.45am and the gate is closed at 8.55am.
We do, however, run a breakfast club and an after school club to support working parents. To book places, please look at the Wraparound Care page.

If it is wet, children may come straight into classes from 8.45am - please do not send children into classes earlier as staff may not be in their classes to receive them. Children will still need to enter the school via their designated entrance.

If there are any problems with collecting children at the end of the day at 3.15pm or at the end of an after school club we ask parents to contact the school as soon as possible as there may not be anyone, out of school hours, to look after them.

If it is necessary to drive onto the school site always drive very carefully and please do not park in the drive, which must be kept clear for emergency vehicles. There is limited visitor parking on site.
If your child is in Year 6 and you wish them to meet you at the Village Hall carpark or to walk home by themselves, please ask the office for a form to sign. We will not be able to let any child leave the school premises by themselves unless we have a signed permission slip.
Please do not park in Southways or on the grass verges opposite the school. The local police have warned that cars that are parked illegally will be subject to fixed penalty notices. 


If your child is to go home from school with another parent or adult, or will be travelling home in a different way from normal, a written note or telephone call by 2.45pm is necessary.

Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School

Day To Day


There are 207 children on roll at present organised into single age, mixed gender classes. At the beginning of the school year each class choses their team name  and this is then the name that the class is referred to. Please see our class pages to find out which team names the classes chose this year,


Each class has a timetable which outlines when the pupils will learning each subject across the week. This is subject to change depending on P.E slots, Earth Class, computing slots etc. Please find below an example Key Stage One and Two timetable:




The School Day


Key Stage One (Year 1 & 2) Lower Key Stage Two (Year 3 & 4) Upper Key Stage Two (Year 5 & 6)
First Morning Session 8.55-10.15 8.55 - 10.30 8.55-10.45
Second Morning Session 10.30-12 10.45-12.15 11-12.15
Afternoon Session 1-3.15 1.15-3.15 1.15-3.15


Key Stage One have an additional 10 minute afternoon break.


Arrivals and Departures:

Children may arrive at school from 8.45am and the gate is closed at 8.55am.
We do, however, run a breakfast club and an after school club to support working parents. To book places, please look at the Wraparound Care page.

If it is wet, children may come straight into classes from 8.45am - please do not send children into classes earlier as staff may not be in their classes to receive them. Children will still need to enter the school via their designated entrance.

If there are any problems with collecting children at the end of the day at 3.15pm or at the end of an after school club we ask parents to contact the school as soon as possible as there may not be anyone, out of school hours, to look after them.

If it is necessary to drive onto the school site always drive very carefully and please do not park in the drive, which must be kept clear for emergency vehicles. There is limited visitor parking on site.
If your child is in Year 6 and you wish them to meet you at the Village Hall carpark or to walk home by themselves, please ask the office for a form to sign. We will not be able to let any child leave the school premises by themselves unless we have a signed permission slip.
Please do not park in Southways or on the grass verges opposite the school. The local police have warned that cars that are parked illegally will be subject to fixed penalty notices. 


If your child is to go home from school with another parent or adult, or will be travelling home in a different way from normal, a written note or telephone call by 2.45pm is necessary.