Within reception the children now start to follow the NCETM Mastering Number Programme where the strands of learning prepare the children to master concepts needed for future learning. The children get to practice and embed knowledge and skills throughout each term which fit into the 5 main ideas; variation, representation and structure, fluency, mathematical thinking and coherence which are the 5 main areas incorporated into future learning.
Year 1 to 6
In Years 1-6, we use Power Maths to deliver our lessons. Power Maths is a whole-class mastery programme created in partnership with White Rose Maths and recommended by the DfE*. It will provide consistency within your maths teaching all through school, and is ultimately designed to spark curiosity and excitement and help you nurture confidence in maths.
Please see the slide show below which gives more information about the programme.
Power Maths is a resource that has been designed for UK schools based on research and extensive experience of teaching and learning around the world and here in the UK. It has been designed to support and challenge all pupils, and is built on the belief that EVERYONE can learn maths successfully.
The philosophy behind Power Maths is that being successful in maths is not just about rote-learning procedures and methods, but is instead about problem solving, thinking and discussing. Many people feel they were taught maths in a way that was about memorising formulas and calculation methods, then having to apply them without any real understanding of what or how these methods actually work. Power Maths includes practice questions to help children develop fluent recall and develop their conceptual understanding. Power Maths uses growth mindset characters to prompt, encourage and question children. They spark curiosity, engage reasoning, secure understanding and deepen learning for all.
Each lesson has a progression, with a central flow that draws the main learning into focus. There are different elements, informed by research into best practice in maths teaching, that bring the lessons to life:
Power Maths is based on a ‘small-steps’ approach, sometimes called a mastery approach. This means that the concepts are broken down so that your child can master one idea without feeling over-whelmed. There are a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions in each lesson that are designed to support the different needs and confidence levels within a class, while at the same time fostering a spirit of working and learning together. Each lesson includes a challenge question for those children who can delve deeper into a concept.
Please let us know how your children engage with Power Maths. We are looking forward to this adventure!