Welcome to

Sutton Valence Primary School



Reception                                                                                                  NCETM

Within reception the children now start to follow the NCETM Mastering Number Programme where the strands of learning prepare the children to master concepts needed for future learning. The children get to practice and embed knowledge and skills throughout each term which fit into the 5 main ideas; variation, representation and structure, fluency, mathematical thinking and coherence which are the 5 main areas incorporated into future learning.

  • Variation; the children will consolidate their understanding of concepts previously taught through working in a variety of contexts and with different numbers.
  • Representation and structure; Concrete, Pictorial , Abstract- Children are provide with repeated opportunities to work with concrete objects such as 5 frames, counters, interlock cubes and many other resources. We explore many different ways of representing our findings through using our fingers, images or drawings and then move onto number sentences and word problems (mental maths/ oracy)
  • Fluency; Practicing quick number recall and number bonds is one of the main objectives we practice regularly. Subitising and recognizing patterns is threaded throughout.
  • Mathematical thinking and coherence; Connections are threaded through the programme and questioning and repetition ensure key knowledge and skills are embedded.

Year 1 to 6

In Years 1-6, we use Power Maths to deliver our lessons. Power Maths is a whole-class mastery programme created in partnership with White Rose Maths and recommended by the DfE*. It will provide consistency within your maths teaching all through school, and is ultimately designed to spark curiosity and excitement and help you nurture confidence in maths.

Please see the slide show below which gives more information about the programme.

Maths Mastery - image 0
Maths Mastery - image 1
Maths Mastery - image 2
Maths Mastery - image 3
Maths Mastery - image 4
Maths Mastery - image 5
Maths Mastery - image 6
Maths Mastery - image 7
Maths Mastery - image 8
Maths Mastery - image 9
Maths Mastery - image 10
Maths Mastery - image 11
Maths Mastery - image 12
Maths Mastery - image 13
Maths Mastery - image 14

Please see class pages for more year group specific information.