Teaching Assistants: Mrs Stone
Today we learnt ‘Walking with my Iguana’ by Brian Moses and we performed it as a class. Look at our fabulous performance
Times Tables
Click here to play a range of times table games.
Please remember to use Times Table Rock Stars! I am expecting you to use TTRS at least 3 times a week -
Please play the 'Garage' option to practise tables set by me.
Use the 'Soundcheck' option to practise all your times tables in a speed test. Soundcheck is similar to the government test all pupils will sit at the end of year 4.
We have a reward chart in the classroom with mini, personalised rockstars. When your child has mastered a times table they will move up a level on our class chart. There will be a reward at the end of the chart.
There will be a spelling test every Friday morning using the words set on spelling shed. New words will be added Friday afternoon for the week ahead.
At the bottom of the page, there is a list of the words that you need to learn by the end of Year 4. Please practise at home whenever you can!
Please find the Year 3 and 4 common exception words to practise with your child at home.