Sutton Valence Primary School,
North St, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3HT

01622 842188

Sutton Valence Primary School


Our mission is to ensure we all participate in the constant quest of knowledge, learning and adventure so that each individual can build upon their core strengths to aspire to make a real difference.

Earth Class


In September, our school was asked to take part in a promotional video for Wilder Kent Awards. Please take a look at the video!


Year 6

Posted: Mar 29, 2022 by: Tara (Tara) on: Forest Blog

More great dens, all different!

Jesse sowed sunflower seeds with Henry today. “I want to sow sunflowers for the Ukrainians, to show that we are thinking of them and support them. It is their national flower and a symbol of peace”.

Thank you, Jesse!

The latin name of Helianthus annuus comes from a combination of Greek words.

Helios translates to sun and anthos means flower.

The literal meaning of this word is that it is a flower of the sun.

It looks like the sun and turns to the sun.

Helios was the Greek sun god and Anthos was a Greek name used for boys.

Just as Jesse said, the sunflower’s greatest symbolic meaning is of peace and hope.