Sutton Valence Primary School,
North St, Maidstone, Kent ME17 3HT

01622 842188

Sutton Valence Primary School


Our mission is to ensure we all participate in the constant quest of knowledge, learning and adventure so that each individual can build upon their core strengths to aspire to make a real difference.

Earth Class


In September, our school was asked to take part in a promotional video for Wilder Kent Awards. Please take a look at the video!

Forest Blog

Year 5

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The class have worked so hard: weeding the plots; measuring their area and planting an assortment of bulbs and wildflower seeds.

We reviewed last year and, after reflecting, decided to plant red and white onion bulbs, garlic bulbs and wildflower seeds as they are fairly low maintenance and will enable us to focus on other conservation projects closer to school.

The bulbs don’t need watering but do need weeding around the growing plants. As Morgan said, “They’re like humans; they need their personal space!”

At school, we improved bug hotels and other habitats.


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Meet Bruce the dog.

He’s getting used to the snow now.

Nice, snowy, pom pom legs don’t you think?

Parent Working Party

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Wow, the shelter is looking great! Huge thanks to Dan Mackledon, Kieran Mackledon and David Hockley for giving their time and providing resources free of charge.

The children can be outside whatever the weather now and will soon be able to have fire in the rain.

Additional thanks to Steve, Adam Ormond, Rod Harcourt, Paul Seager, Wendy Seager, Verity Bullock and Elizabeth Kilby for digging, filling holes, chopping back plants, clearing wood, positioning and fixing bird boxes.

It was a great day and we are all very grateful for your help.

Year 6, Friday, 23rd February

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On our way to and from the allotment we collected a full bin bag of litter!

Shockingly, we could have filled another. It really hit home.

Year 2 Natural ART

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We were exploring natural textures and colours; collecting distinctive foliage for brushes and preparing natural dyes.

Messy, fun, abstract, surprising and kaleidoscopic are just a few words that spring to mind.

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